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Fruit consistency, whether by weight, colour, size, shape, internal or external quality is one of producers’ main objectives. 

The need for automation is evident if producers wish to adhere with the high quality standards demanded by its consumers. 

Automated sorting and grading equipment adds value to your business not only through quality grading but also by reducing post-harvest losses. 

Upgrade your business by fulfilling the potential of your pack house with Vizier Systems.



hybrid SIZERS

Belt sizer


Our unique roller sizer is known throughout for its fruit friendliness and robustness. 

With its ability to undertake precise dimension sizing, sorting and grading you can rest assured that minimal errors occur along the line whilst your production is maximized. 



  • Excellent dimension sizing

  • Blemish grading capabilities.

  • Colour grading.

  • Weight sizing.

Features can include all of the above or a combination of key features.


Precise grading and sorting by weight, colour and size is achieved with the use of  powerful technology.  The camera system can also detect and sort fruit by internal and external quality by using the latest grading solutions from Ellipse. Accurate weighing through taking multiple weight samples per fruit by high precision load cells and signal conditioning are  captured and processed. . 

Cross validation of dimensions versus weight can now be done to ensure no irregularities exist.  Further photogrammetry techniques enable blemish and color grading through the use of our Ellipse system software.


Vizier Systems’ Roller Sizer is integrated with user friendly software functionality. The system can manage cumulative production figures per orchard or packer, overall labour production costs and productivity statistics. Its flexibility enables upgradeability, from weight-only configuration to optics solutions.



Operational diagnostic tools are available to assist with maintenance, especially on weighing systems. Multiple sorting programs can be configured, stored and recalled. Our electro-optical systems have configurable features, which can be adapted to the precise packhouse application requirements.


Vizier’s Roller Sizer has a throughput in excess of 10 fruits a second per lane, which can be customized and fabricated to your needs. 


The smaller pitch between rollers results in a lower forward belt speed than the cup sizer for the same fruit throughput, thus reducing the possibility of fruit damage. Additionally, since the throughput per lane on the roller sizer is higher than that of the cup sizer, the Roller Sizer needs less lanes than a cup sizer for the same throughput requirement making it more cost-effective.

For the sizer systems to perform to optimum design and specification, maintenance and support guidelines need to be followed. You can book a service on our website as well as purchase our training packages to ensure the optimal use of your sizer. 



Our unique Cup Sizer is known throughout for its fruit friendliness and robustness. Viziers Cup Sizers are suitable for grading both round or oval fruit e.g. pears

When optical grading functionality is added to the cup sizer (on its singulator section), the cup sizer has the ability to undertake precise dimension sizing, sorting and grading.  You can rest assured that minimal errors occur along the line and your production is maximized.


  • Accurate dimension sizing.

  • Colour grading.

  • Excellent weight sizing.

Features can include all of the above or a combination of key features. 


Precise  grading and sorting by weight or colour are  achieved through using trusted camera colour and diameter technology combined with in line weighing.


The system can also can identify fruit of specific dimension. Accurate weighing through taking multiple weight samples per fruit by high precision load cells and signal conditioning are carried out. Mechanical and electrical noise are filtered from the measurements. The optical measurement techniques also enable identification of the fruit stem end to give accurate middle diameter and shape information required for grading. This ensures minimal vibration noise for further produce dimensions through polar or middle/equilateral measurements. 

Cross validation of dimensions versus weight can now be done to ensure no irregularities exist.  Further photogrammetry techniques enable blemish and color grading through the use of our Ellipse system software. 

Each delivered cup sizer system is validated for its fruit-friendly handling performance by checking its fruit transfers using an impact recording device (instrumented accelerometer sphere).


Vizier Systems’ Cup Sizer is integrated with user friendly software functionality. The system can manage cumulative production figures per orchard or packer, overall labour production costs and productivity statistics. Its flexibility enables upgradeability, from weight-only configuration to optics solutions.


Operational diagnostic tools are available to assist with maintenance, especially on weight systems. Multiple sorting programs can be configured, stored and recalled. Our electro-optical systems have configurable features, which can be adapted to the precise packhouse application requirements.


The system has a sturdy, hygienic construction with a weighing configuration which enables the weighing window to be just under the time period between cups. 


With a throughput of up to five cups a second per lane, the sizer is accurate in weighing the produce to one gram on the three-point weighing system.

To ensure consistently accurate readings, it compensates for temperature fluctuations.

Multiple views of the produce is gained with highly advanced digital cameras and photogrammetry techniques, while compensating for fruit orientation variations for further analysis. 


For the sizer systems to perform to specification, maintenance and support guidelines need to be followed. You can book a service on our website as well as purchase our training packages to ensure the optimal use of your sizer. 


hybrid SIZERS

In a price-sensitive market, the biggest benefit of the Vizier Hybrid Sizer is the considerable increase in labour productivity. Thus, overall packhouse productivity is improved by using labour where it’s most needed, in the farmland.

Vizier’s Hybrid Sizer is a unique system compared to the roller sizer and cup sizer for the reason that it can sort and weigh fragile produce that are prone to bruising such as grapes and berries requiring far more delicate handling.


  • Accurate weight sorting.

  • Increased System utilisation during off-season.

  • Additional Packer monitoring (for missed bunches per packer).

Additional features specific to grape sorting:

  •  Considerable increase in labour productivity.

  • Minimises human handling.

  • Minimises waste from cuttings.

  • Cutter monitoring.

  • Additional Packer monitoring (for missed bunches by packer).

  • Colour Grading.

  • Sizing by berry diameter.

Features can include all of the above or a combination of key features. 


Vizier Systems’ Cup Sizer is integrated with user friendly software functionality. The system can manage cumulative production figures per orchard or packer, overall labour production costs and productivity statistics. Its flexibility enables upgradeability, from weight-only configuration to optics solutions.


Operational diagnostic tools are available to assist with maintenance, especially on weight systems. Multiple sorting programs can be configured, stored and recalled. Our electro-optical systems have configurable features, which can be adapted to the precise packhouse application requirements.


The Hybrid sizer runs at a throughput of 3 cups per second. This and the fact that there are no drops that can damage the fruit, make it uniquely suited for delicate fruit such as grapes.

belt sizer

The Vizier Belt Sizer was specifically designed to be able to handle excessively large fruit such as watermelons. The unique belt design with guided transfers allows the sizer to handle different sizes at the same time ensuring a continuous flow and still weighing accurately. 



  • Weight sizing

  • Guided transfers

  • Soft kick-offs

  • Belt allows variable fruit size and pitch


Using a belt instead of fixed pitch cups, allows the sizer to handle different size fruit on the same run at variable pitch. 

The system has a sturdy, hygienic construction that is very easy to clean and maintain. The weighing configuration enables a variable weighing window depending on the different fruit sizes. 

Guided transfers allow for accurate fruit tracking while padded pneumatic arms do not damage the fruit when it is sorted.


Vizier Systems’ Belt Sizer is integrated with user friendly software functionality. The system can manage cumulative production figures per field/orchard or packer, overall labour production costs and productivity statistics. 

Operational diagnostic tools are available to assist with maintenance. Multiple sorting programs can be configured, stored and recalled.


Precise grading and sorting by weight is achieved by using in line weighing with a seperate weight belt and guided transfers. The fruit are sorted using padded pneumatic arms. 

Accurate weighing is enabled by taking multiple weight samples per fruit through high precision load cells. Mechanical and electrical noise are also filtered from the measurements. 

For the sizer systems to perform to specification, maintenance and support guidelines need to be followed. You can book a service on our website as well as purchase our training packages to ensure the optimal use of your sizer.


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